Return a list of major versions defined by the given parameters
/disco/v3.0/major_versionsReturn a list of major versions defined by the given parameters
Defines if versions in major version that are early access will be shown (optional true/false, default false)
Defines if versions in major version that are general availability will be shown (optional true/false, default true)
Defines that only major versions will be shown that are actively be maintained. (optional true/false, default false)
Includes build numbers if true (optional)
The scope of the package query (e.g. public, build_of_openjdk, build_of_graalvm, directly_downloadable, not_directly_downloadable, free_to_use_in_production, license_needed_for_production)
Defines how the discovery_socpe_ids should be matched (any will return all packages that contain at least one of the discovery_scope_ids (default), all will only return packages that contain all given discovery_scope_ids)
Shows all versions related to the given major version (e.g. major version 17 -> versions 17, 17.0.1, 17.0.2) (default is true)